From Jackie, our rock CAN roll sister and friend…

On Sunday, September 28, 2014 the Tunnel to Towers 5k run/walk will take place from Brooklyn to NYC. It is a run that was organized in memory of fallen fireman Stephen Siller. Stephen was just off duty on September 11, 2001 when the attacks took place, but heard of them on his radio. He had just gotten to the Brooklyn side of the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel and immediately turned around to go back into the city. At that time all of the tunnels and bridges had already been closed so he left his vehicle, put his gear on, and proceeded to run all the way through the tunnel and to the buildings to join the rescue. Unfortunately, like so many others on that horrible day, he never made it out. Stephen was married with four children, and one of nine siblings. His siblings then started the Stephen Siller Foundation, which does amazing work for victims of September 11th, burn victims, war veterans, victims of Hurricane Sandy, and children who have suffered the loss of a parent. They also host the Tunnel to Towers Run/Walk, which follows the very path Stephen took on that day, thirteen years ago, running through the tunnel to the Manhattan side and along West Street to Battery Park City, ending across from Ground Zero.
As many of you know, I do not take part in many September 11th related events. For me it is just too hard because it hits too close to home. However, this is an amazing event. I have found that most of the people who take part in the day really “get it”, and that’s not something I come across often.
For those of you already signed up for the run/walk, I look forward to seeing you. For those who are not signed up but are interested, I encourage you to log on to and join us. You can run or walk, or just come in support of everyone participating. West Street and Battery Park City are both closed off and there is a real community feel to the whole event with music and venders filling the streets after. It’s a great way for New York City, and all the participants, to acknowledge what happened on that horrible day because it’s done in a very respectful, positive, proactive way. Which leads me to part two of the day.
The first time I did the run I was with a very special group of people. We spent the entire day together…commuting in, running the race, meeting up with old friends, making new ones, laughing and crying together…and not wanting to leave each other. We felt such a strong bond after experiencing so much together, and touching on so many different emotions. On the way home we spoke about the energy we felt and how we wished we could do something with it. I immediately knew if we decided to run the following year we would need to have something set up, already in place and ready to participate in. When you’re full of so much emotion you want to do something then and there, because after all, you can’t change the past, but TOGETHER we can certainly do something positive in the present and hope to better the future.

I was then lucky enough to connect with my good friend, Aimee Holtzman, who is the founder and president of rock CAN roll, a non-profit, hunger relief organization who’s mission is to continually stock the shelves of emergency food agencies in our neighborhoods. She is an amazing woman who is doing incredible work and I was immediately drawn to her and deeply affected by her. Who better to team up with??
So here’s the deal.
After the run, when everyone is feeling pumped up and ready to do something about it, we are all going to head to Brooklyn (because where else would we want to be)! We are going to come together as a group, continue with that community spirit, eat, drink, listen to music, have a good ol’ time…and while we’re doing all that we are going to help put food on the table for our neighbors in need. It’s a win-win all the way around!

As I have said for quite some time, I am the luckiest unlucky girl in the world, and that holds true to date. A very good friend came through in the final hour and freed up some space for us to occupy at the Lock Yard, 9221 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209
Whilst there we will be entertained by the extremely talented, incredibly good looking, and always entertaining, John Rafferty, who will be singing and strumming his heart out for all to enjoy.

For a $25.00 cover charge there will be plenty to eat and drink…with a particularly fun menu and very trendy craft beer and wine selections.
All I am asking is if each of you could please bring as many non-perishable food items as you can (no glass please). For suggestions of most needed items you can log on to Aimee’s website, scroll down to the bottom right side of the page and click on the recommended food list. Imagine the impact we could have as group if everyone brought a donation of most needed items…
we can start the day in New York taking part in something very important from our past, but then we can come together and do something that will help people today, right now, and in the future!
And remember, you don’t have to be in/at the run to participate. If you are unable to make it to NY that morning, please don’t let that keep you from joining us in the afternoon. The more the merrier! Any and all are welcome, so please feel free to pass the email along…just remember, your admission (and $25) to join in on the festivities can be found on the food list on Aimee’s website…that’s all I ask.
For those of you who will be coming from my neck of the woods in NJ, we will have transportation to take us to NYC, Brooklyn, and back home at the end of the day.
A bus will make two pick ups. The first pick up in Lebanon, NJ , and the second in Far Hills, NJ.
Cars can be left at either location until the end of the day and food donations can be placed on the bus upon your arrival in the morning.
The exact time of departure is not yet known, however, the bus will be leaving New Jersey from the Far Hills at approximately 6.00 am. Coffee and bagels will be served on the bus on the way to NYC, and pizza and beer will be served on the way home…Brooklyn pizza…the good stuff!
A more detailed time-line will be provided when we know exactly who is attending, however we normally leave Brooklyn between 6-7 PM
Registration for the run will close shortly, so please register ASAP.
Information and registration for Tunnel to Towers Run can be found at
Information on rock CAN roll and a list of most needed food items can be found at
Information and directions for the Lock Yard can be found at
RSVP’s for the day’s events can be sent to me at
The run takes off at 9.30 am, but registration and bib pick up is prior to that. For those of you who are not running, please join us at the Lock Yard 9221 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY from 1.00 PM on.
I look forward to seeing you all on the 28th! I know it’s late notice, but we can do it, especially because we know why we do it!
So please join me as we cross over to the other side.
Pray for our loved ones,
pray for each other,
pray for peace.
Many Thanks … Hugs & Peace, your rock CAN roll sister and friend, Aimee You CAN email us at