Can you dig it!

These Girls ROCK!
Dear Friend,
I am so excited to be coming to the Westbury Theatre on August 8th.
Thank you for purchasing tickets, it is going to be a great night!
The reason I am writing you today it to ask for your help. Food banks
around the country are reporting difficulties in getting food donated and keeping up with the demand due to the current state of our economy.
So, they need our help and it is really simple for us to do something.
We have partnered with Live Nation, the Westbury Theatre and Rock Can Roll to collect non-perishable food items at the show on August 8th.
So, please bring as much as you can to the concert. We will have
volunteers and bins available for you to easily drop off your donation.
The following link will take you to a list of the most needed items to help you figure out what to bring to the show:
If we all join together and donate, we can make a real difference for so
many families. So, please take part and donate what you can. I look
forward to seeing you soon!
Cyndi Lauper