The Space – Westbury Theatre – a new rCr venue! Where you CAN donate HEALTHY nonperishables for people & PETS!

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Date(s) - 06/20/2017 - 12/31/2017
All Day

The Space

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Many Thanks to our amazing friends and supporters at THE SPACE at WESTBURY THEATRE for teaming up with rock CAN roll! Whenever you visit the venue, be it to buy tix, see a show or just passing by (during normal biz hours); remember to bring along some HEALTHY nonperishable food donations for people & PETS! What to bring? Check out our list of most needed foods – Click HERE

Thanks for supporting our efforts! The end result is people & their pets will have HEALTHY food to eat & the basic human needs we all rely upon.
PS…All food stays local to each event.

Thanks for supporting our efforts!
Can’t make it to a show? You CAN still DONATE NOW!

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