What a great day! With the help of Kevin, Kevin and Larry of Crescent packing, rock CAN roll purchased and delivered 500 turkeys for 5 agencies. Hope for the Future, FEGS, Project Hope and The Smithtown Tabernacle Church Food Pantry will distribute the turkeys to families throughout Long Island! Many thanks to all who donate money at concerts and events..these are your dollars at work. Best wishes to all for Happy Thanksgiving! These pictures say it all!

500 rock CAN roll Turkeys!

Larry and Kevin of Crescent - they rock!

Smithtown Tabernacle Food Pantry volunteers...they rock!

Project Hope loading up their van with Turkeys!

Hope for the Future volunteer - Joe with Turkeys for Pastor Diane!

Kevin from Crescent - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all your hard work!

The ladies of FEGS with rCr founder, Aimee Holtzman

Thanks Kevin! Next year - we hope to double our order!
Best wishes to all for a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving!
In peace…